I had a 1 button switch which I purchased with LED's prefitted. I didn't want to shell out so I converted my LED 1 button to LED 2 button by using my new cars 2 button switch.
It's probably only useful if you end up in my situation, but if yours is a 2 button fog switch and you go and buy a pre-made one you can save yourself a few quid by just swapping the front side/button inside yourself.
My pictures are likely **** due to phone / batt low - But I was pretty happy with the discovery so thought I would share it.
by pushing again 6 clips around the switch you can eventually pull the back out;
I have circled the actual button which is just a piece of rubber pressed by a plastic stick.
"]Photo Storage
Close up; 2 button ;
"]Photo Storage
Close up; 1 button;
"]Photo Storage
Its simply a case of removing that rubber square and putting it on the other switch.
"]Photo Storage
Swap over your 2 button facia part to the one with LED's and refit;
"]Photo Storage
"]Photo Storage
It's probably only useful if you end up in my situation, but if yours is a 2 button fog switch and you go and buy a pre-made one you can save yourself a few quid by just swapping the front side/button inside yourself.
My pictures are likely **** due to phone / batt low - But I was pretty happy with the discovery so thought I would share it.
by pushing again 6 clips around the switch you can eventually pull the back out;
I have circled the actual button which is just a piece of rubber pressed by a plastic stick.

Close up; 2 button ;

Close up; 1 button;

Its simply a case of removing that rubber square and putting it on the other switch.

Swap over your 2 button facia part to the one with LED's and refit;

