This tutorial will guide you through the steps to safely remove your existing steering wheel and fit a Vectra B steering wheel with working steering wheel controls. I performed the following steps on an R reg Corsa with the old style airbag steering wheel, and I replaced it with the 3 spoke vectra B steering wheel from a facelift SRi. I cannot guarantee that the follow steps will work with all models of corsas or steering wheels, although they should, so worth giving it a go. 
What you will need
*I highly recommend that you get the squib and mount from the same car that you got the wheel from. If the seller is breaking their car, ask if they'll include those aswell.
Step 1: Remove the steering column shrouds
You need to do this first to allow access to the 2 screws that hold the airbag in place, as once the battery has been removed the steering wheel will be difficult to move.
Step 2: De-activate the air bag system
This step is very important!
(If you don't have an airbag, it is still good practice to do the following)
Step 3: Removing the air bag and steering wheel
Now that you have deactivated the airbag system it is safe to remove the airbag and steering wheel by following these steps
Step 4: Connecting Vectra wiring to Corsa wiring
For this I used a solder, but you can use your preferred method of connecting 2 ends of a wire together. I'd advise against terminal (chocolate) blocks as they may be a bit big.

What you will need
- Vectra B steering wheel:
- Steering wheel squib for the new steering wheel* + a length wire from the steering wheel squib: included in above purchase
- Steering wheel squib mount*: included in above purchase
- Autoleads PC99-X06 multistalk adaptor + patch lead for your model of headunit:
- A new retaining nut lockwasher
- 2 x lengths of wire about 30'' long (preferably 1 x blue/red and 1 x grey)
*I highly recommend that you get the squib and mount from the same car that you got the wheel from. If the seller is breaking their car, ask if they'll include those aswell.
- Philips head screw driver
- No. 10 Spanner
- Torx No. 30
- Torx No. 15
- Torque wrench
- 22mm? Socket
- Steering wheel puller
- Solder (or another method of joining wires)
- Stereo removal tools
Step 1: Remove the steering column shrouds
You need to do this first to allow access to the 2 screws that hold the airbag in place, as once the battery has been removed the steering wheel will be difficult to move.
Step 2: De-activate the air bag system
This step is very important!
(If you don't have an airbag, it is still good practice to do the following)
- Switch on the ignition and check the operation of the air bag warning light on the instrument panel. The light should illuminate when switched on, then extinguished.
- Switch off all electrical equipment.
- Switch off the ignition and remove the key.
- Disconnect the battery negative terminal using the No. 10 spanner.
- Insulate battery negative terminal and the end of the battery negative lead to prevent any possibility of contact.
- Now wait (Haynes manual says at least 2 minutes, various posts on the internet say 10 minutes) But I decided to go in and watch t.v for an hour before returning to it, just to be sure.
Step 3: Removing the air bag and steering wheel
Now that you have deactivated the airbag system it is safe to remove the airbag and steering wheel by following these steps
- The air bag has 2 torx no. 30 retaining screws that need to be undone, 1 on the left and one on the right. They are a little tricky to remove due to the location and the fact that they are at the bottom of a small hole. I actually used alan key with the T30 torx on the end. Note that the screws won't actually come out, you just need to undo them from the airbag and they will stay attached to the steering wheel.
- With the two screws undone, carefully lift the airbag away from the steering wheel, and disconnect the wiring connector from the back of the air bag unit.
Air bags are explosive and very dangerous! DO NOT knock it, drop it or try to disassemble it! Always transport it with the unit close to your body and the front of the unit facing out the way. Store it the correct way up in a dry place and only dispose of it at authorised locations.
Airbag removed:
- Now, using a screw driver, prise back the tabs on the retaining nut lockwasher.
- Unscrew the retaining nut using the 22mm? socket. Put it to the side and dispose of the retaining nut lockwasher as you need a new one when refitting.
- Remove the two screws holding the squib onto the steering wheel and disconnect the horn wiring from the steering wheel.
Retaining nut removed, and location of horn connector + squib screws:
- A 2-legged steering wheel puller will now be required (Or brute force; if you are going to do this leave the retaining nut on a few turns to prevent the steering wheel from flying off into your face.) Locate the legs of the puller in the holes either side of the column shaft, and draw the steering wheel off column splines. Lift off the steering wheel and remove the spring column shaft.
Steering wheel puller being used to remove steering wheel:
- Disconnect the squib wiring connectors (a yellow/orange connector located just behind the ignition switch/lock) and slide the contact unit off the steering column.
Yellow/orange connector just behind ignition switch/lock:
- Remove the squib mount by first removing the wiper and indicator stalks by pressing down two tabs, one at the top, one on the bottom, and pulling them away from the column. then remove the two T15 torx screws and sliding it off the steering column. This is no longer needed.
Squib mount removed:
Step 4: Connecting Vectra wiring to Corsa wiring
For this I used a solder, but you can use your preferred method of connecting 2 ends of a wire together. I'd advise against terminal (chocolate) blocks as they may be a bit big.
- Cut the connector off of the corsa squib with a good few inches of wire still remaining.
- Now match up the Corsa wiring with the corresponding wire on the Vectra squib wiring. Both should be EXACTLY the same (minus the two extra wires on the vectra side, but we'll get to that) And it is very IMPORTANT that you connect these like for like:
- Yellow to Yellow
- Yellow/White to Yellow/White
- Brown to Brown
- Brown/White to Brown/White
Corsa connector partly wired up to Vectra wiring:
- Now with the 2 remaining wires, one grey (illumination), and one blue/red (controls). Take your two lengths of wires (I used the same colour wires but doesn't matter) extend both to about 30'' should be plenty, but I think mine were longer.
All wires connected up:
- At the end of the blue/red wire you need to connect a crimp similar to that used in an ISO block.
Now I have no idea what they are called or where to buy them, so I headed down to the scrap yard, cut an ISO block out of a corsa (leave a bit of wire coming out the ISO block) And got the conector out of that. Removing the connector was a pain as they don't pull out, even with the yellow tap removed, so I just got a knife and cut away the plastic to get at it.
ISO connector crimp thing: