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Handbrake give way when pulled / handbrake cable snapped?

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  • [Corsa C 2000-2006] Handbrake give way when pulled / handbrake cable snapped?

    Hi, just pulled up and went to put handbrake on and I felt it snap in my hand (not the actual handle) and now it just clicks and feels loose.

    Bit late in the day for this to happen, is this an easy fix under the handle or do I need to lift the car?
    Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
    Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
    Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold

  • #2
    This is a bit loose, almost feels like it working but it doesn't.

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    Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
    Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
    Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold


    • #3
      Cable will have snapped.
      Quite cheap, but can be fiddly to change if you haven't done it before.


      • #4
        Confused. If cable has snapped it had to be under the car to change


        • #5
          I'll check underneath tomorrow, I've read its made up of multiple parts, It just "felt" like it given away in my hand. That loose thing will probably because its slack down the other end (wherever it goes).

          So, tomorrow I should check underneath for any snapped cable from front to back?
          Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
          Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
          Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold


          • #6
            Yeh, any part of it snapping will all feel the same. It should be fairly obvious where it's snapped though when you get underneath it.
            |> Spec2 R33 Skyline GTS-T <|


            • #7
              Thanks guys, I'm probably incapable of fixing it but ill at least try see where its broken, will load up on painkillers and jack it up tomorrow.
              Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
              Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
              Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold


              • #8
                Never done it on a c but it's fairly simple on most cars
                |> Spec2 R33 Skyline GTS-T <|


                • #9
                  Pissed down all day, leaving it in gear for now - maybe tomorrow.
                  Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
                  Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
                  Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold


                  • #10
                    There is 5 pieces to these handbrake cables and they can be stupid money to buy, normally the 1 st piece doesn't snap (Which is the piece off the handbrake lever)

                    I would guess the snap is where it curves around the half moon shape guide just where it goes into the last piece of cable into the drums. As these are often not greased or cleaned often and they rub, fray then snap.

                    This is the bend:

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	imag0077q.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	64.8 KB
ID:	109402

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	imag0079lg.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	69.0 KB
ID:	109403

                    Make sure these are very very secure:

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	P3243424_web.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	24.9 KB
ID:	109404

                    And if it is them that have snapped check the opposite side too.

                    I have done 4 parts of my own and other friends too, so if you need help shout up


                    • #11
                      Thanks so much for that, I cant tell what it is atm but might make sence when I get underneath it..

                      weather permitting i'll take a look tomorrow!
                      Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
                      Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
                      Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold


                      • #12
                        Looked under the back of car, its very obviously snapped.

                        The cable has broke on the driver side rear just before the "clip". Therefore the passenger side rear area is where its really loose, on that side also it appears to have a thicker tube type thing which I believe is where the two points meet and are connected to the lever.

                        If one side is still connected would it still fail?

                        I cant see how to replace this just by looking at it, I don't want to cease my brakes or anything so any advise on fixing this and what NOT to do would be great.

                        The repairs I have done are pressure switch and changing an airbox so you can tell I have 0 skill :/
                        Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
                        Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
                        Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold


                        • #13
                          It needs both sides to be connected to work, so yes, if one side snaps the whole lot goes.

                          It's pretty much common sense how to replace - but if in doubt use the Haynes manual. Be prepared for the connectors to be rusted up - plenty of penetrating fluid the night before will help. You may well end up having to replace more bits if the corrosion is bad - it's something that happens with cables.
                          1972 Viva restoration thread -


                          • #14
                            Images, seems your right about where its gone but I'm looking at Haynes and sounds really complicated (take off exhaust heat shield etc) lol.

                            ]"]Photo Storage
                            ]"]Photo Storage

                            - - - Updated - - -

                            Got this fixed with a mate with the info above, thanks guys

                            Will probably replacing other sections soon as they don't look too happy.
                            Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
                            Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
                            Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold

