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x14xe sloppy starts

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  • [Corsa B 1993-2000] x14xe sloppy starts

    ok its not really THAT sloppy of a start but i would like to get some opinions here on it.

    Basically this is the issue, car starts up everytime fine, but, it kinda is really sluggish and studdering for about a sec or so then smooths out, runs fine no skipping or anything that like. About 7 months ago my wife put gasole(here in france i think its like heater fuel) in the car, i know right...... It got all cleaned out and has been running fine. I asked her if the plugs or injectors were replaced when she had it fixed as I was in the states at the time and not in france when it happened.

    I was thinking it might be a spark issue but not bad enough to give it issues while driving, maybe wires?

  • #2
    When was it last serviced? Poor starting is often just down to dirty filters, worn plugs etc.

    You could also try giving the ignition system a dose of WD40 - but if the weather in France has been as hot as the UK then it's unlikely to make any difference.
    1972 Viva restoration thread -


    • #3
      honestly i don't the complete service history, i did an oil change about a week ago and had a new air filter at the beginning of the year. I'm thinking about just replacing plugs and wires since knowing the guy that owned it before...he probably never did it


      • #4
        If you've no idea when the plugs & leads were last changed then that's well worth doing before worrying about anything else.
        1972 Viva restoration thread -


        • #5
          Yea think I'm gonna go ahead an do that I have a feeling it's the plugs just wanted a second opinion. By the condition of the rotors( got about a cm lip on them) a lot needs to be checked out


          • #6
            This won't help your problem, but there is much more to a 'full' service than changing the oil (I take it that you did change the oil filter at the same time as the oil?)
            Items such as petrol filter, pollen filter, brakes (including taking off the wheels/drums)and including the hand brake, steering linkages, suspension, tyres, tracking, condition of wiper blades, action of all electrical items and lighting, inspection of the under-body protection - ALL need to be checked.(I'm sure that this list can be added to.)
            By the way, a quick check on tracking can be made by sliding your hand ACROSS the tyre tread - It should feel the same in both directions, if it feels 'rough' in one direction, but 'smooth' in the other, the tracking is out of adjustment and needs to be properly checked/re-set.



            • #7
              I use to work at an automotive shop in the states and already checked/replaced most all of that. The gear Linkage will be replaced in Aug and the front rotors and pads are being replaced at the same time(also replacing suspension with coil-overs).

              and yes i changed the filter with the oil lol. who doesn't?

