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turbo conversion for 16v gsi

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  • [Corsa B 1993-2000] turbo conversion for 16v gsi

    anybody know who i could try for turbo conversion parts 16v gsi

  • #2
    If you Google 'x16xe turbo' enough information will come up but if you want to do it properly you'll need deep pockets otherwise it won't drive great and will be fairly unreliable. Would be cheaper to go for some jenvvy throttle bodies and stand alone management and you'll still be able to achieve good results.


    • #3
      thanks ill give it a go,done the carb and throttle body thing fancy plain turbos now


      • #4
        what a ****, should have said playing turbos


        • #5
          Corsa vxr turbos with the manifold are a straight fit onto your engine, use a power box inlet then route all the piping, sort oil lines, fuel pump, fpr etc. It will run on the standard management but it will run like crap, best bet is too look at an omex 600 or something similar. Also those engines won't take much over 150/60bhp max before throwing a rod so depending on what you want to get out of it, forging may be a good option.


          • #6
            What is your budget?


            • #7
              i don't want the car owing me the world but i do appreciate you get what you pay for


              • #8
                Bare minimum you'll be wanting ARP rod bolts. How far are you planning on taking this?
                |> Spec2 R33 Skyline GTS-T <|


                • #9
                  courtenay did a few with 5th injector setups back in the mid 90's. not the best way really but it worked.

                  if i was doing it, id be first looking to source low comp pistons. try pec.

                  then as dave said arps and a decent headgasket, for that speak to ferriday engineering.

                  inlet and turbo have been covered.

                  management is subjective. best bet, find a tuner whos local and see what he prefers. if your mapper likes using the product it makes life easy. he may even have a spare kit about.

                  realistic gains? 190bhp should be feasable on low boost.

                  price? 2000. let territory, which is where it falls down, as a let makes 200bhp std, and is more common.


                  • #10
                    Which are much more reliable, with much more info and easier power upgrades later on.

                    People usually say they do it to be different, then realise cost and don't


                    • #11
                      I'd imagine at close to LET bhp, the LET will still be faster and better to drive with more torque from the higher capacity and less turbo lag.
                      Cheaper and more reliable as well as less strain on a standard let than a turbo'd C/X16XE


                      • #12
                        Ultimately logic usually prevails, there's a reason that info is thin on the ground with this.
                        |> Spec2 R33 Skyline GTS-T <|


                        • #13
                          i may eat my words but the thought of going the let route bores me,too heavy done to death and i want to be different,bit of a small block fans chaps,pistons i can machine,arp bolts are a must,i can get a inlet done and hopefully adapt the exhaust side,plus i have a mutual contact for the mapping when we finally get there,a bit of advice about injectors and management from him but loads to do first


                          • #14
                            16XE turbo is a nice idea; just a shame it's pointless.


                            • #15
                              Hi wigley,

                              It would be a sad, boring place if we all wore the same clothes, ate the same food.

                              If you wanna do it, do it ! - now it may be a waste of time but thats your call to make - you may turn round at the end and say - i now understand why no one else did this, but hey, your money, your car.... I don't mean that sarcasticly either - good luck with whatever you decide to do


