Hi I dont know if anyone can maybe help me out here, im new here but im desperate so im gonna ask if anyone can help me with my temperature fan problem on my 1997 1.3 opel corsa lite, my fan doesnt kick in, not even at 100 degrees but if I pull the plug out of the sensor on the right side of the top the fan kicks in so I replaced that sensor but still the problem remains, what should I do?
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Radiator Fan not kicking in
If the radaitor is getting hot and working properly Fit a fan over ride switch, run wire from one wire from the sensor through a switch inside and back to the other wire to turn it on as an when
Corsa isn't very good with turning on, mine use to wait till it was in the red
I cant seem to find the switch on the rediator, I know about the one on the side of the top, the one on top of the top with the one wire that shows the temperature inside the car and the one that opens and closes so that the water can flow through the engine? I cant find anything on the radiator itself?
its right at the bottom left hand side quite a large sensor. there cheap and easy to replace. although i second dannyboys comment about the override switch i had one fitted on both of my corsas.Take a look, Its old and rusty[URL="http://www.thecorsa.co.uk/projects-builds/182-zetec-powered-mk1-fiesta.html"]
OPEL CORSA B 1.6 I 16V 1994 TO 2000 RADIATOR FAN SWITCH RFS3051 | eBay just make sure you get the right one for you engine size as they all differ slightlyTake a look, Its old and rusty[URL="http://www.thecorsa.co.uk/projects-builds/182-zetec-powered-mk1-fiesta.html"]
As mentioned, bottom left of the radiator as you stand in front of the car. Can virtually guarantee it's that. Common issue, happened on both Corsas I've owned previously.
As said above, they usually don't kick in until the needle is just about to hit the red.
One snag is that the thermoswitch in the rad is secured with a captive nut that on older cars nearly always seizes up, so when you undo the sensor it rips the nut mount out of the radiator - and then it's a new radiator as well.
If you're worried just fit the override switch. Some 5amp double core cable across the thermoswitch is fine. It doesn't carry much current, that's for the relay to do, so thin cable is OK.1972 Viva restoration thread - http://www.thecorsa.co.uk/projects-b....html#post1534