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Hybrid hard drives

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  • Hybrid hard drives

    Considering getting a hybrid hard drive (spindle drive with small SSD) - has anyone got any experience with them? My current SSD is too small and going as big as I want would cost far too much.
    Does it need software to decide what should sit on the SSD section?

  • #2
    Lee has one, but judging by the benchmark scores he got from his you'd be as well just going for a non hybrid regular drive.


    • #3
      Balls, maybe I'll just need to pay the stupid prices then


      • #4
        Does your laptop not have 2 x HD bays in it?
        Or use an external drive?


        • #5
          Nope, and don't want external


          • #6
            Fit SSD in optical drive bay ?

            Usually how it's done.

            It's just SATA, will need a caddy. Best of both worlds and who uses disks.
            Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
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            • #7
              I hear hybrid drives take a little bit of running in and then use your most used programs/stuff on the flash memory


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shaggy View Post
                Fit SSD in optical drive bay ?

                Usually how it's done.

                It's just SATA, will need a caddy. Best of both worlds and who uses disks.
                I use my optical bay, plus it's not removable

                I'm being put off of the idea now, it looks like an 8GB SSD generally so not even big enough for the OS.


                • #9
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                  • #10
                    Didn't you change the processor and ram though at the same time?


                    • #11
                      |> Spec2 R33 Skyline GTS-T <|


                      • #12
                        Yeah come to think of it the hardware's probably helped a lot.
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                        • #13
                          Disk makes a surprising difference, my laptop boots in 8 seconds, down from about 35 on standard disk, it's a clone so exactly the same. I'm just worried about losing all that extra speed as 90% of the time I'm on Facebook or here so it makes a huge difference.

                          Lee do you have a secondary disk at all?


                          • #14
                            Only an external hard drive. I partition the main drive into 3 parts.
                            Please contact me via PM if you would like to transfer your AllCorsa Gold Membership over to our VIP Membership. It's completely free to do so.

