Looks like I'm due a renewal from now to September I can upgrade/renew.
Had a HTC one X and a HD Desire HD for the last phones and they are good, but want to try something different this time.
Maybe even an iPhone but as a last resort really. Whats good these days?
I want a better camera then what I have currently, and better batt life and computing power be nice, but tbh I dont use a lot of features - mostly tapatalk and banking stuff.
Had a HTC one X and a HD Desire HD for the last phones and they are good, but want to try something different this time.
Maybe even an iPhone but as a last resort really. Whats good these days?
I want a better camera then what I have currently, and better batt life and computing power be nice, but tbh I dont use a lot of features - mostly tapatalk and banking stuff.