Anyone else noticed there seems to be more and more of this type about. As an example the latest Clarkson witch hunt over him saying the word 'nigger' which he didn't actually say (the video even shows him not saying it.
Anyway there then seems to be a flock of these people who are 'offended' by it, the majority of whom seem to be white left wing supporters I may add.
When have we gone from a society where we realised that not everyone is going to like everything we say, or do, too a society that thinks of anyone is slightly offended by anything we do they should be able to call for out job.
Anyway there then seems to be a flock of these people who are 'offended' by it, the majority of whom seem to be white left wing supporters I may add.
When have we gone from a society where we realised that not everyone is going to like everything we say, or do, too a society that thinks of anyone is slightly offended by anything we do they should be able to call for out job.