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YouTube Comedy Thread

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  • YouTube Comedy Thread

    Same idea as the YT thread in Car Chat. But can not be car related. Hilarious youtube videos. Go!

    French Cook is Easily Scared - YouTube

    For some reason, I can't stop laughing at this ^^
    |> Spec2 R33 Skyline GTS-T <|

  • #2
    Saw that the other day. He's such a girl.
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    • #3
      I don't even know why I laughed so much at it.. Just tickled me lol. I reckon he's lost at least 10years off his life though lmao
      |> Spec2 R33 Skyline GTS-T <|


      • #4
        Let the beat drop


        • #5
          Please contact me via PM if you would like to transfer your AllCorsa Gold Membership over to our VIP Membership. It's completely free to do so.


          • #6
            pisssing myself from watching the french guy hahahaha!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Iby View Post
              pisssing myself from watching the french guy hahahaha!
              THANKYOU! somebody else with my level of humour, haha
              |> Spec2 R33 Skyline GTS-T <|


              • #8
                haha! Love the bit on 23rd second of the clip when he is in the red shirt and just looks back with his wide eyes!

                hahahahha. There is a 1 hour clip of just that which I plan to watch when I go home lol.


                • #9
                  Old but gold!

                  LOL! Grown Man Wets Himself After Playing The "Scary Maze Game" - YouTube


                  • #10
                    My dog Toaster was attacked by a raccoon

                    Saw this on the front page, made me laugh a bit in the way that it is thrown haha
                    [CENTER]Understeer: when you hit the wall with the front of the car.
                    Oversteer: when you hit the wall with the back of the car.
                    Horsepower: how fast you hit the wall.
                    Torque: how far you take the wall with you.[/CENTER]


                    • #11
                      Any of these videos:
                      Cute Dog Maymo - YouTube

                      My particular favourite is the cabbage one.
                      Big clear out of parts
                      Corsa D Yellow LE
                      Corsa B Atlantis Blue
                      Mazda Eunos V-Spec


                      • #12

                        This is a good one, not really funny but it's weird haha
                        [CENTER]Understeer: when you hit the wall with the front of the car.
                        Oversteer: when you hit the wall with the back of the car.
                        Horsepower: how fast you hit the wall.
                        Torque: how far you take the wall with you.[/CENTER]


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Vauxhall Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi - New Car
                            Black 1.2 Corsa SXI Project - Sold
                            Aruba Blue 1.0 Corsa Project - Sold


                            • #15
                              I'd like to introduce to you...

                              ...The new and upcoming Justin Beiber

