HI All,
This is just a high level blue thinking idea - a discussion topic
What do you lot think about a library ? - I know we have a search engine but, its like all search engines haphazard and time consuming.
What if, within the forum, we made a librery of parts (under subheadings) giving say what it does, how it works, if it goes wrong what happens etc etc etc.
I'm really up for knowledge sharing, I don't profess to have much but what I've got I will gladly share - If it benefits someone else - great
So, what do you think ?
To start with I'll start it up with a question - what the hell is this thing ? - what does it do ? -

Moderators/ site owners - can this library be accomodated ?
This is just a high level blue thinking idea - a discussion topic
What do you lot think about a library ? - I know we have a search engine but, its like all search engines haphazard and time consuming.
What if, within the forum, we made a librery of parts (under subheadings) giving say what it does, how it works, if it goes wrong what happens etc etc etc.
I'm really up for knowledge sharing, I don't profess to have much but what I've got I will gladly share - If it benefits someone else - great
So, what do you think ?
To start with I'll start it up with a question - what the hell is this thing ? - what does it do ? -
Moderators/ site owners - can this library be accomodated ?